Playing cards until morning(probably 4:00 a.m.) (1)
Playing cards until morning(probably 4:00 a.m.) (2)
Playing cards until morning(probably 4:00 a.m.) (3)
Sleeping like a log because of lack of sleep (1)
Sleeping like a log because of lack of sleep (2)
Students lying like a log on the benches because of lack of sleep (3)
Students lying like a log on the sofa because of lack of sleep (4)
Students having no appetite because of insufficient sleep (1)
Students having no appetite because of insufficient sleep (2)
Order of Service
Teacher Sungjin praying
Pastor Lee giving the sermon (1)
Pastor Lee giving the sermon (2)
Teacher Kyungjin preparing lunch
Hajin praying for Kimchi stew
Reflection of English camp (1)
Reflection of English camp (2)
※ 2박 3일 영어캠프 위해 후원하신 분들께 감사드립니다.
1) 유해무 목사님 가족 - 30만원
2) 이종찬 집사님 가정 - 포도 1상자와 수박 2덩이
3) 박종진 집사님 가정 - 수박 2 덩이
- English camp 01.JPG (40.2KB)(34)
- English camp 02.JPG (40.8KB)(37)
- English camp 03.JPG (41.9KB)(35)
- English camp 04.JPG (36.8KB)(35)
- English camp 05.JPG (44.0KB)(34)
- English camp 06.JPG (46.4KB)(32)
- English camp 07.JPG (40.1KB)(29)
- English camp 08.JPG (53.0KB)(30)
- English camp 09.JPG (56.2KB)(31)
- Englisg camp 10.JPG (28.9KB)(34)
- Englisg camp 11.JPG (36.6KB)(35)
- Englisg camp 13.JPG (26.3KB)(32)
- Englisg camp 14.JPG (46.4KB)(36)
- Englisg camp 15.JPG (37.6KB)(33)
- Englisg camp 16.JPG (43.4KB)(33)
- Englisg camp 17.JPG (46.1KB)(30)
- Englisg camp 18.JPG (41.7KB)(31)