글 수 248
Physical exercises at the Student Train Camp in Hadong(1)
Physical exercises at the Student Train Camp in Hadong(2)
Students climbing up a wall
Students eating some snacks
Students playing Kickball(1)
Students playing Kickball (2)
Eating some dinner!
English session(I) of the group Paul on the first floor(1)
English session(I) of the group Paul on the first floor(2)
English session(I) of the group Daniel on the second floor(1)
English session(I) of the group Daniel on the second floor(2)
English session(II) of the group Paul on the first floor(1)
English session(II) of the group Paul on the first floor(2)
- English camp 01.JPG (65.4KB)(31)
- English camp 02.JPG (95.6KB)(27)
- English camp 03.JPG (88.7KB)(29)
- English camp 04.JPG (65.1KB)(30)
- English camp 05.JPG (42.4KB)(30)
- English camp 06.JPG (46.3KB)(29)
- English camp 07.JPG (49.0KB)(30)
- English camp 08.JPG (38.1KB)(32)
- English camp 09.JPG (36.3KB)(33)
- English camp 10.JPG (41.8KB)(34)
- English camp 11.JPG (42.6KB)(29)
- English camp 12.JPG (43.7KB)(28)
- English camp 13.JPG (36.3KB)(26)